Mullite Bricks

Mullite Bricks

Bulk Density (g/cm3):≥2.55。
Apparent Porosity %:≤17 %。
Cold Crushing Strength (Mpa) ≥:60。
Thermal Shock Resistances 100℃ water cycles:≥18。
Permanent Linear Change On Reheating1500℃X2h:0~+0.4。
0.2Mpa Refractoriness Under Load T0.6 ℃ :≥1580。


Mullite Refractory Brick is a kind of High-aluminum refractories that regard the mullite (Al2O3•SiO2) as the main crystal phase. The average alumina content is between 65% and 75%. In addition to mullite mineral composition, which contains lower alumina also contains a small amount of glass and cristobalite; higher alumina containing a small amount of corundum. High refractoriness up to 1790°C. Load softening starting temperature 1600 ~ 1700 °C. Room temperature compressive strength 70 ~ 260MPa. Good thermal shock resistance.

  Technical Data:

Items MU 65 MU 70 MU 75
Chemical Composition Al2O3 % ≥65 ≥70 ≥75
SiO2 % ≤33 ≤26 ≤24
Fe2O3 % ≤1.0 ≤0.6 ≤0.4
Bulk Density g/cm3 ≥2.55 ≥2.55 ≥2.55
Reheating Linear Change (%)   1500℃×2h 0~+0.4 0~+0.4 0~+0.4
Apparent Porosity   % ≤17 ≤17 ≤18
Thermal Conductivity W/(m·K)  1000℃ 1.84 1.95 1.95
Cold Crushing Strength  MPa ≥60 ≥80 ≥80
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (×10-6℃-1) 0.6 0.6 0.55
0.2Mpa Refractoriness Under Load  T0.6 ℃ ≥1600 ≥1600 ≥1650
Thermal Shock Resistance 1000℃ water cycles ≥18 ≥18 ≥18


The mullite brick adopts the imported plate corundum and high-purity fused corundum as the main raw materials, and adopts advanced ultrafine powder addition technology. After mixing, drying and forming, it is fired in a high-temperature shuttle kiln. So Mullite bricks are widely used in slag gasification furnaces, synthetic ammonia conversion furnaces, carbon black reactors, and refractory kiln furnaces, Furnace roof of hot blast stove, Furnace stack and bottom of blast furnace,Regenerative chamber of glass melting furnace and Ceramic high temperature furnace.
Mullite Brick apppication case

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