Production process of refractory bricks

2024-08-03 11:40:10

Refractory bricks are important materials used in high-temperature industrial kilns and equipment. Their production process is complex and requires precise control. This article will introduce the production process of refractory bricks in detail, including key steps such as raw material preparation, mixing, molding, drying, firing and post-processing.

1. Raw material preparation
Material selection: The raw materials of refractory bricks mainly include refractory clay, high-alumina bauxite, silica, magnesia, etc. When selecting raw materials, their refractoriness, chemical composition and physical properties need to be considered.
Crushing and grinding: Large pieces of raw materials are crushed into small particles, and then ground to make fine powder. The grinding process needs to control the fineness of the particles to ensure the quality of the finished product.
Screening: The ground raw materials are classified according to particle size through screening for subsequent mixing and molding.
2. Mixing
Batching: According to the formula of refractory bricks, raw materials of different types and proportions are mixed. The accuracy of the batching directly affects the performance of refractory bricks.
Additives: In order to improve the performance of refractory bricks, some additives such as binders, plasticizers and reinforcing agents are often added.
Mixing: Mix the ingredients and additives thoroughly in the mixer to ensure uniform composition. The mixing process requires strict control of time and temperature to ensure uniform mixing.
III. Molding
Molding method: The main molding methods of refractory bricks include dry pressing, wet pressing, plastic molding and extrusion molding. Different methods are suitable for different types of refractory bricks.
Mold design: Design a suitable mold according to the shape and size of the refractory brick. The precision and wear resistance of the mold have an important impact on the quality of the finished product.
Molding operation: Put the mixed raw materials into the mold and press them into shape by mechanical pressure or manual operation. During the molding process, the pressure, time and temperature must be controlled to ensure uniform density of the brick.
IV. Drying
Purpose of drying: The purpose of drying is to remove moisture from the brick, increase its strength, and facilitate subsequent firing.
Drying method: Common drying methods include natural drying and artificial drying. Natural drying uses heat in the air for drying, which takes a long time. Artificial drying uses a drying room or drying furnace, and the drying speed is faster.
Drying control: Temperature and humidity must be controlled during the drying process to avoid defects such as cracks and deformation in the brick. Generally, drying is carried out in stages, and the temperature is gradually increased.
5. Firing
Purpose of firing: Firing is to sinter the dried bricks at high temperature to make their structure dense and their performance stable.
Firing equipment: Commonly used firing equipment includes tunnel kilns, shuttle kilns and rotary kilns. Different equipment is suitable for different types of refractory bricks.
Firing process: The firing process is divided into three stages: preheating, sintering and cooling. In the preheating stage, the bricks are gradually heated to the sintering temperature, the high temperature is maintained in the sintering stage to sinter the bricks, and the cooling stage is gradually cooled to room temperature.
Temperature control: The firing temperature is generally between 1200℃ and 1800℃, and the specific temperature is determined according to the type and performance requirements of the refractory bricks. The accuracy of temperature control has an important influence on the quality of refractory bricks.
6. Post-processing
Inspection: The quality of the fired refractory bricks is inspected to check their size, shape, strength, refractoriness and other properties. Products that pass the inspection can be packaged, and unqualified products need to be reworked or discarded.
Processing: According to customer requirements, the refractory bricks are further processed, such as cutting and grinding, to meet the use requirements.
Packaging and storage: Qualified refractory bricks are packaged, and the packaging materials must have moisture-proof and shock-proof functions. Packaged refractory bricks must be stored in a dry and ventilated warehouse to avoid moisture and damage.
VII. Environmental protection and safety
Environmental protection measures: Wastewater, waste gas and solid waste will be generated during the production of refractory bricks. Appropriate environmental protection measures such as wastewater treatment, waste gas purification and solid waste recycling need to be taken to reduce the impact on the environment.
Safety management: Safety operating procedures must be strictly followed during the production process to prevent safety accidents such as fire and explosion. Provide safety training for employees and provide necessary protective equipment.
The production process of refractory bricks is complex and requires precise control. The meticulous operation and strict control of each link directly affect the quality of the final product. By continuously improving production processes and technologies, the performance and service life of refractory bricks can be improved to meet the needs of different industrial fields.
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